International Forum on Small & Medium-sized Enterprises
中 小 企 业 发 展 国 际 研 讨 会
Conference Room 202,Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
2:00-5:00pm, November 3, 2000
主 办:
外经贸部中国国际经济技术交流中心 美国硅谷中国留美博士企业家协会 SCOBA 北京大学中国中小企业促进中心
1.国家经贸委中小企业司副司长 狄娜
Presented by Ms. Di Na, Deputy Director, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, SETC
The Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China-Policy and Promotion System
2. Alfred Kraf柯力德博士,德国技术合作公司项目主任
Dr. Alfred Kraft, Director of Project Co-ordination Unit. Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Technische Zusammenarbeit(GTZ) GmbH
International Cooperation on China Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development - The challenge of WTO
3.朱东屏博士, 美国硅谷中国留美博士企业家协会会长
Dr. Dongping Zhu, President, Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association (
Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship System
4. Marshall Stevens 先生,美国战略投资集团总裁
Marshall Stevens, President, Strategic Capital Group,
Promote the Development of Small Business- The Role and Mechanism of Venture Capital Development
5.李正强先生 中国证券监督委员会基金部主任
Mr. Li Zhengqiang, Director of Investment Fund, China Securities Regulatory Commission
The Development of Capital Market and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Development in China
6. 何道峰先生,中国扶贫基金会主席
Mr. He Daofeng Chairman, The China Foundation of Poverty Alleviation
The Enviroment Protection and SMEs Development in Rural Region.
7. 华安德先生,美国福特基金会驻中国代表
Mr. Andrew Wartson. Res. Rep. China Mission, Ford Foundation
Ford Foundation in China.
8. David Austin先生, 美国绿屋公司Greenwood Resources, Inc. 副总裁
David Austin, VP Greenwood Resources
Small business development and Green Industry
- Mercy Corps International, Portland, USA
- China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges
- Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association, USA
- China Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, Peking University
One of the meeting site of the forum.
Participants 国际研讨会人名单
- Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development and Supporting System in China. Presented by Mr. Li Yining, Dean, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
- Government Policy, Laws and Supporting system. Mr. Wei Dong, Director General, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, State Economic and Trade Committee.
- International Cooperation on Small and Medium Business Development in China, Mercy Corps Mission. Presented by Mr. Neal, CEO Mercy Crops International
- Social Entrepreneurs Leadership and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in China. Presented by Mr. Culver, Senior Vice President, Mercy Corps International.
- Small Business Promoting System of United States of America, Lauren Moriaty, Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs, US Embassy in China
- Small Business Promoting System of Germany and International Cooperation. Presented by Dr. Alfred Kraft, Director of Co-ordination Unit. GTZ.
- Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneur System, Presented by Dr. Dongping Zhu, President, Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association (
- The Mission, Development Strategy and Work plan of China Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, Peking University. Presented by Dr. Zhu
Shanli, Director of China Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development.
- The Development of Capital Market and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Development in China. Presented by Mr. Li Zhengqiang, Director of Investment Fund, China Securities Regulatory Commission
- Small Business Incubator and supporting System.
- Small Business Development Supporting System in Taiwan. Taiwan’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Supporting System.
- Small Business Development Cooperation between European Union and China, Presented by Economic Department, European Union Mission in China, The Department of International Development, UK Embassy in China
- International Cooperation on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Developments. Presented by Australia Embassy and Canada Embassy in China.
- Banking supporting system and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development. Presented by People’s Bank of China, China Mingsheng Bank,
- ZhaoShang (Merchants) Bank, etc.