由北京大学光华管理学院与美协国际组织合作建立的北京大学中国中小企业促进中心成立仪式于2000年11月3日上午在光华管理学院大楼举行。参加成立仪式的中方人士有:全国政协经济委员会副主任董辅衽、全国政协常委北大光华管理学院院长厉以宁教授, 全国工商联副主席王治国、科技部火炬中心主任张景安、外经贸部中国国际经济技术交流中心主任孙永福、国家经贸委中小企业司副司长狄娜、中国扶贫基金会秘书长何道峰、上海银行发展研究部研究员韩文亮, 农业部乡镇企业局企业管理处长胡永万, 特华投资控股有限公司董事长李光荣博士,和执行总裁王力博士.
参加成立仪式的外方人士有:美国驻中国大使馆经济商务处参赞莫柔女士、美国美协国际组织首席执行官(CEO)Neal Kenny—Guyer先生、高级副总裁Ellsworth Culver先生、美国战略投资集团总裁Marshall Stevens先生、美国硅谷中国留美博士企业家协会会长朱东屏博士、亚洲开发银行(北京)首席经济学家汤敏, 英国驻华大使馆经济改革部门经理一等秘书Catherine Marin(马英)女士, 美国驻华大使馆经济处二等秘书James B.Green(郭嘉明)先生。到会的嘉宾发表了热情洋溢的讲话,对中心的成立表示热烈的祝贺。
特邀顾问、第一届理事会名单、特聘高级研究员 及中心管理组织机构
美国驻中国大使馆经济商务处参赞莫柔Lauren Moriarty, minister-counselor of US Embassy
女士发言, 主席台: Ellsworth Culver, Neal Kenny-Guyer, 厉以宁Li Yiling, 孙永福Sun Yongfu.
北京大学光华管理学院 2000年11月3日
The Opening Ceremony and International Seminar Series
Beijing University, November 3-4, 2000
China Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development ( CCSMED), Peking University
- China Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, Peking University (
- Mercy Crops International, Portland, Oregon, USA (
- Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association, USA (
主席台: Ellsworth Culver, Neal Kenny-Guyer, 厉以宁Li Yiling, 孙永福Sun Yongfu.
会议日程 Agenda
上 午 9:30-11:30AM 成立仪式 The Opening Ceremony
- 北京大学中国中小企业促进中心简介(成立背景, 组织机构)
朱善利教授,中国中小企业促进中心主任, 北京大学光华管理学院副院长
Prof. Zhu Shanli, Director of CCSMED, Associate Dean, Guanghua School,
The Mission, Development Strategy and Work Plan of China Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, Peking University
- 北京大学副校长致词 Speech by Prof. Vice president, Peking University.
- 国家经济贸易委员会中小企业司司长卫东先生致词
Mr. Wei Dong, Director, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development, State Economic & Trade Committee.
中 午 12:00-13:30 午餐 Noon 12:00-13:13 Lunch
英国驻华大使馆经济改革部门经理一等秘书Catherine Marin(马英)女士与会议代表交谈.
UK Embassy First Secretary, Economic Reform Sector Manager Catherine Marin (left) chats with attendees. |
下午 2:00-5:30PM 专题国际研讨会
International Seminar Series
Domestic Participants 国内参加部门
1. Guanghua School of Management: Dean Li Yining, Associate Dean Mr. Zhang Wei Ying, Associate Dean, Mr. Wang Qiwen, Associate Dean, Mr. Zhu Shanli, Mr. Zhang Yichi, Mr. Mi Xianfeng, Mr. Sun Tong Quan, Mr. Li Ji, Mr. Yan Yuming
2. Business School, Tsinghua University.
3. China Social Science Academy.
4. Ministry of Finance
5. Mr. Wei Dong, Mr. Wu Yiguo, Small and Medium-sized Development, State Economic and Trade Committee.
6. Mr. Zhang Jingan, Torch Program, Ministry of Science and Technology
7. All Industry and Commerce Federation
8. China Private Entrepreneurs Association
9. Peoples Bank of China
10. China Securities Regulatory Commission
11. China Int'l Center for Economic & Technical Exchanges, Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation.
12. Department of International Economic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
13. China Mingsheng Bank,
14. China Huaxia Bank,
15. Shanghai Bank,
16. Zhaoshang Bank
17. Taiwan Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Association.
18. New World Group in Hongkong
19. Delegates from Private enterprises
International Participants 国外来宾
1. Mr. Ellsworth Cover (Sen. VP) and Mr. Dan Neal (President), Mercy Corps International, OR, USA
2. Jeff Nuss, President, Greenwood Resources
3. David Austin, VP Greenwood Resources
4. Marshall Stevens, President, Strategic Capital Group
5. Dick, Portland, OR, USA
6. Vincent Mok, Portland, OR, USA
7. Mr. Andrew Watson, Ford Foundation,
8. Mr. Murry, Mr. Tang Ming, Asia Development Bank
9. Mr. Rainer Hartel, World Bank
10. Ms. Lauren Moriarty, Mr. Joe Young, Economic Department, US Embassy in China
11. Dr. Alred Kraft, Mr. Xia Xunge, GTZ
12. Catherine Martin, Department for International Development, UK Embassy in China.
13. Mr. Henri-Paul Normandin, Economic Department, Canadian Embassy
14. Economic Department, Australian Embassy
15. Economic Section, Japan Embassy
16. European Union Mission in China.
17. Asia Development Fund.
18. Development International Desjardin, Canada.
19. Delegates from private sectors and enterprises
20. SCOBA - Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association
News Agencies 新闻机构
National: 国内
1. China Center Television
2. Beijing Television
3. China Daily
4. Finance Daily
5. Finance Magazine, etc.
International 国外
1. Asian Business Week
2. Times magazine
3. Business Weekly
4. Wall Street News, etc.
Professor LI Yiling, Dean of the Management School, speak to repotrers at the opening ceremony.
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