Guangzhou OCS Conference
Sponsored by China Ministry of Education
December 28-30, 1999

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Dongping Zhu and Hao (Alex) Chen at the Reception of Guangzhou OCS Conference.


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开幕式 The opening ceremony of Guangzhou OCS Conference..

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Liu Bing (left) and Dongping Zhu in front of the OCS Conference Hall.

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(北京)国家科技部办公室, 科技部徐冠华副部长会见SCOBA代表团. 左起:
朱东屏, 王盛水, 陈昊, 徐冠华副部长, 杨子江, 火炬中心张景安主任

In the office of MOST, from left: Dongping Zhu, Sheng-shui Wang (former education
consul at SF Consulate), Hao Chen,  Guan-Hua Xu (Vice Minister of MOST),

Zhi-Jiang Yang, and Jing-An Zhang (Director of China Torch Program Center).