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 硅谷留美博士企业家协会SCOBA  Silicon Valley Chinese Overseas Business Association

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Reader's Feedback

From Seattle, WA, USA

From Japan



[From Frazer, Seattle, WA, USA]

Dear Sir:

Read your mail and visited your SCOBA site. Well done. The trip is on one hand of high profile, well fanfared and on the other, only limited, if not entirely unpractical, to a few "eye-catching" seminars, not to mention the apparent political connotations and repercussions that are probably the main tenet to those who organized it.  I by no means intend to criticize those who are members of the delegation, after all, who would turn down an opportunity like that? No one would, I guess.

Having said that sarcastically, I still highly approve of the enthusiasms exuberated from and manifested in all the endeavors by those who sincerely believed their efforts would make some differences to the home country's fledging hi-tech. Maybe a trickle here now and there then would eventually make a visible transfiguration of the entire landscape. My wholeheartedly blessings to such endeavors.

Speaking of hi-tech industry, you should know better than I do that the guerilla warfare state in China is not going to be changed in the foreseeable future, because of the nature of the system, because of the way of education, because of the huge financial resources involved and last but not least,because of the historical sediments upon which hi-tech is built. From another perspective, in China hi-tech has not evolved beyond what you have properly called "niceties", which is either a trinket to satisfy psychological vanities or political showoffs. In most cases, hi-tech is a nice thing to be possessed by yang-chun-bai-xue, or rejected or scorned of by Xia-li-ba-ren. Is there a genuine urgency from the industry that demands hi-tech as an imperative, something means death and survival?

The funny situation now in China is that interests are mainly from officials instead of from grassroots. Yes, a government-mediated technology revolution sounds like a plausible solution, however, historically and universally, government in this regard has proven to be more failing than succeeding. We have repeatedly seen projects after projects failed under the auspice of grandeur government plans and investments, with much resources channeled only to the fathomless pockets of greedy and sucking officials. Only industry induced interests would sustain a long-term and stable growth where immediate commercial benefits can be realized at calculated risks, i.e., a calculable economic return on investments in hi-tech would be obtained with cost/risk analysis.

Though not an absolute statement, as a rule of thumb, hi-tech is associated with the presence of mighty companies that are eager to make technical innovations to keep competitive edge in the industry. While in China, first of all, such mighty companies are scarce (mighty does not mean being only big), secondly, companies in China are not that eager to make change, thirdly, being competitive in the market does not have the same urgency as it is here. If hi-tech is only discussed in the government meetings or to be only centered in scattered universities, there would be no hi-tech in its real sense. While most state-owned companies are struggling to keep heads above water, there is little resource and attention left for them to care for hi-tech R&D---a dangerous undertaking, after all---thus can we predict a stagnant, painful and bumpy road toward the prosperity of hi-tech in China.

Aside from higher purposes and the above joking rhetoric, realistically, you should just figure out how OCBA, or to be more specifically, yourself, could be benefited from the whole situation, though at times some pretending is absolutely indispensable. I am writing the above because I have idle time to play with. You can simply dismiss the whole thing as a joke. Sometimes, I just can't help my mind go wandering and become ludicrous.

Frazer, Seattle, WA, USA
June 24, 1998.



Dear Sir:

I have viewed your web site. And I knew SCOBA last year's visit to and activities in China from the famous Japanese TV - NHK. Last Aug, I went back to China for the 3rd CAST (China Assosiation for Science and Technology) Conference for Young Scientists and Technicans in Beijing, but failed to find co-operation. I am also a leader of an ogernization, "Chinese in Japan," and like to do things for our motherland.

I am living in Japan. I'd like to find co-operating parterner to develop my new bar code invention into products.
I thought Chinese ventures in USA is more powerful than in other areas so I contacted you and OCBA.  I'd like to ask you and OCBA for possible help for co-operating in developing bar code invention into products and make an
IAIM international standard.

PS. if you can tell your OCBA friends the following I would feel happy.

Dear friends:

My name is Liang Haisheng working in Japan. I had invented a new bar code named 1.5-Dimentional bar code which was introduced by Auto I.D. News '98/Feb, on the cover page. http://www.gepcities.co.jp/Milano/3292/barcode/BARCODE.JPG, http://www.gepcities.co.jp/Milano/3292/barcode/barcode.txt

Over 70s USA corporates requested detail informations. I'd like to make my invention into products. I had contacted almost all famous Japenese bar code companies, but no one was interested in it. Maybe Japanese Ecnomy is not so good right now. My invention may be established as AIMI international standar, as suggested by the AIMI techonical director. Please co-operate with me or introduce this to your friends or venture companies to let us make a big businese and an international bar code standard. Waiting your suport!!

BTW, my friend and I have set up a software house in Shanghai lacated at JiaoTong University where about 10 staff are working.  As a partner of the business, I'd like to collect new information from you and try to get some develope projects from you if it is possible.

1) http://www.alpha-net.or.jp/users/tamo/Pr.htp
2) http://www.amsnet.co.jp/chinese_art/design/liang/index.htm
3) http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milano/3292/barcode/BARCODE.JPG
4) http://www.pse.che.tohoku.ac.jp/~msuzuki/magic.fun2.html
5) Midi Melody http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milano/3292/midi

Thank you for readin and Best Wiches!

Liang Haisheng, liang@mol.minolta.co.jp
Feb 3, 1999


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